Creating People Advantage 2012 (aktualizované 31.03.2012)

Milá kolegyňa, milý kolega,
Obraciam sa na Vás s ponukou zapojiť sa do tradičného celosvetového HR prieskumu  “Creating  People Advantage”, ktorý organizuje Svetová federácia personálneho manažmentu (WFPMA) a Boston Consulting Group (BCG).  Práve sa spúšťa nový ročník  a bola by som veľmi rada, keby ste sa aj Vy podieľali na výsledkoch za Slovensko v roku 2012. Viac informácií o prieskume a výhodách aj pre Vašu spoločnosť  pripájam dole v texte.
O výsledkoch prieskumu Vás každoročne informujeme, výsledky posledného - Creating People Advantage 2011 - sú k dispozícii na členskej stánke ZRRĽZ.
Ďakujem Vám za spoluprácu a verím, že sa nás do prieskumu zapojí čo najviac
Anna Hudáková
prezidentka ZRRĽZ
Dear SAHRMD/ZRRĽZ members and partners,
What challenges and priorities do you see coming for HR?
The World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) are jointly conducting the 2012 worldwide HR survey on “Creating People Advantage.” We know you’re busy, but we hope you’ll find the time to fill out the survey at This is the sixth year we are conducting the survey, which is renowned in the HR industry.
Your participation will ensure that your country’s perspective on HR issues is covered in the report and that you will be among the first to receive the report and its findings. Also, you will get an e-mail with a selection of recent BCG studies right after finishing the survey as a thank you for your participation. In addition, you will then be one of the first to receive a free PDF copy of the new 2012 report.
As a special feature, you have the opportunity to participate in a “Talent and Leadership Health Check” and the option to receive a customized benchmarking of your responses in this section. In addition, the report will feature the latest trends in

  • Employer branding, recruiting, onboarding, and retention strategies
  • People management in fast growing economies
  • Workforce management in unstable times

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes. Once again, the link is
Please respond to the survey by Sunday, March 4, 2012. The deadline is extended to 9th April.
Thank you in advance for your participation! We really appreciate your opinion!
Best regards,
Anna Hudakova
President of Slovak Association for Human Resources Management and Development  (SAHRMD)